Highways matters are the responsibility of Cheshire East Council and the quickest and easiest way to report any problems related to roads, pavements and street lighting is to use their Fix My Street – facility clicking on this link will take you straight there in a new window in your browser.
As we are close to the border with Chester West and Cheshire Council (CWACC) some highways (such as the cross roads by the Red Fox) may be their responsibility – if so, see their website here.
Parking & Safety
There are no parking restrictions in Bunbury with some important exceptions, for example in front of the notice boards at the village hall and around the school during drop off and pick up. However, please think carefully about where and how you park, especially around the Co-op and on the narrower sections of our lanes.
There is a car park by the Jubilee Playing Fields accessed off Hurst Close and this is signed from Bunbury Lane by the old Methodist Chapel.
Funerals and Weddings
Larger funerals and weddings at St Boniface can create parking issues around the church, please be considerate when these are taking place.
School pick up and drop off
There is a parking bay for the use of school buses – please keep this clear at all times (not just drop-off and pick-up as coaches use the bay at other times too). Please also be considerate of the school’s neighbours when parking – in particular, please do not park on pavements or in front of or opposite driveways on the surrounding roads as this inconveniences other residents.