The footpaths around Bunbury are an important asset to the village.
The Parish Council is not responsible for their actual upkeep – maintenance is carried out by landowners and is subject to various regulations. Hedges are not trimmed whilst birds may be nesting or fledging and so this work is typically done in September and over the winter.
The Parish Council has a nominated Footpaths Officer ( a councillor who volunteers in that role) who is tasked with representing the Council with the relevant landowners to try to ensure that paths are kept in good order. If you would like to report an issue please email the Clerk to the Parish Council, at and we’ll do what we can. Legal responsibility for ensuring that those with responsibility for maintaining footpaths fulfil their obligations lays with the Unitary Authority – you can report problems to them directly by using this this link.
Dog walkers are welcome on the paths but please bag up any dog faeces and take the bag home with you or use one of the bins in the village. Dogs must always be ‘under control’ on public rights of way – this means on a lead or 100% reliably responding to the ‘stay’ and ‘come’ commands – even when distractions such as livestock or wildlife appear. If your dog cannot be relied on to respond to the commands at all times and in all circumstances the law requires you to keep her/ him on the lead.
The designation of footpaths is a local planning matter and is administered by Cheshire East Council’s Public Rights of Way team.
Mid Cheshire Footpath Society
You will be welcome to join the walks arranged by the Mid Cheshire Footpath Society, visit their web site for more details.