
The Parish Council meets every month, usually on the second Wednesday (but please check the schedule as sometimes this changes, especially after bank holidays) at 7.20pm in the Pavilion, at Bunbury Jubilee Playing Fields. There is usually no meeting in August. Additional meetings are called from time to time.

Members of the public are welcome to attend but may only speak when invited to do so by the Chair, during the Public Forum section of the meeting. This section is normally early in the meeting and provides an opportunity for members of the public to comment on matters on the agenda or raise issues for the consideration of the Council. Members of the public may also ask questions and these may be dealt with at the meeting or later, in writing. The speech limit is normally 3 minutes but is at the discretion of the Chair.

The agendas for meetings are posted on this site and on the Parish Council notice board (outside the Village Hall) towards the end of the week before the meeting. Minutes are also posted on this site – please note that they are only drafts until the following meeting of the Council has approved them. Click here to see the list of Agendas and Minutes available or use the drop down menu.

Meetings of the rest of the 2024/25 administrative year are:

10th July 2024

18th September 2024

9th October 2024

13th November 2024

11th December 2024

15th January 2025

12th February 2025

12th March 2025

The first two meetings of the 2025/24 administrative year will be:

23rd April 2025

21st May 2024 (Annual Meeting)

Dates are fixed at the annual meeting, for the following year.