
New housing

Some of the new developments in Bunbury include an element of what is termed ‘Affordable Housing’ – sadly this does not mean cheap! It means houses offered for rent through a housing association or available to buy on the Government shared equity scheme. You should contact the developer or Cheshire Homecare for more details.

Preference may be given to people with a local connection, think about whether you know of any of the following:

  • People have left the village but would love to return
  • Young people, maybe at college, who want to return in the next few years
  • People looking to downsize

Then get them to register their interest with Cheshire Homechoice, the co-ordinating body for affordable housing in Cheshire East.

Contact details for Cheshire Home Choice:
Website: www.cheshirehomechoice.org.uk
Tel: 0300 123 5017 (Option 1)

Please don’t let this opportunity for people with Bunbury connections to stay in or return to our village pass us by.

Cheshire Home Choice


Cheshire East Council manages all social / shared equity housing through Cheshire Home Choice and applications must be made through them.

The Parish Council cannot influence the decision making process, however you should be aware that preference is given to local residents. This is not just for the elderly, anyone looking to remain in the village may apply and their schemes include Shared Equity homes for those looking to purchase their first home. Check out the latest availability here.

If you have any questions you can ask a Parish Councillor or your local Ward councillor for advice, contact them here. All enquires will be treated in confidence.